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The effects of cyclic stress loading on the microstructual evolution and tensile properties of a medium-carbon super-bainitic steel were investigated. Experimental results show that the cyclic stress can induce the carbon gathering in austenite and phase transformation from film-like retained austenite to twin martensite, which will obviously enhance the tensile strength and the product of tensile strength and ductility. The higher the bainitic transformation temperature, the lower the transformation rate of the retained austenite. The amount and thickness of the film-like retained austenite play an important role during the cyclic stress induced phase transformation.
Recently, the super-bainitic microstructure has been paid extensive attention because of its excellent combination of high strength and satisfactory toughness.[1–6] The high strength mainly depends on the ultra-fine carbide-free bainitic ferrite (BF) and many kinds of sub-structures within the BF, such as dislocation, grain boundary, phase boundary, etc.[7] Meanwhile, a certain amount of film-like retained austenite (RA) distributed between and within the BF laths makes the super-bainitic microstructure exhibit good ductility and toughness.[8,9] As a result, such sandwiched structure composed of BF and RA provides a space to further improve the mechanical properties of bainitic steels. However, from the thermo-dynamics analysis, the film-like RA in the super-bainitic microstructure is a metastable phase.[10–12] If a sufficient driving force of phase transformation is provided, the RA transformation may occur and a higher strength would be achieved. So in the present work, the super-bainite microstructures obtained from different heat treatments are subjected to the cyclic stress, and the impact of the cyclic stress loading on the microstructual evolution and tensile properties of 60Mn2SiCr medium-carbon super-bainitic steel is investigated. The conditions for the occurrence of stress induced phase transformation are also discussed.
Chemical compositions of the 60Mn2SiCr bainitic steel are shown in Table
![]() | Table 1.
Chemical compositions of the 60Mn2SiCr super-bainitic steel. . |
It is known that the identification of the martensite starting (Ms) temperature is useful for evaluating the heat treatment process, because the super-bainitic microstructure is obtained by the isothermal transformation at low temperatures that are slightly higher than the Ms temperature. In this work, the Ms temperature of the studied steel was determined by the Gleeble 1500D thermo-mechanical simulator with a cylindrical specimen of 4 mm diameter and 10 mm height. The specimen was heated at a rate of 10 °C/s to 900 °C and held for 8 min, and then cooled to the room temperature at a rate of 20 °C/s. According to the obtained thermal expansion curve, the Ms temperature was identified as 249 °C. On this base, two temperatures of 260 °C and 270 °C were selected for the isothermal transformation. Austenitization of the specimens was performed at 900 °C for 30 min. After that, they were immediately kept in a salt bath to preset the defined temperatures for 12 h, which was identified earlier as the sufficient time for the bainitic reaction, then followed by air cooling. The salt bath is composed of KNO2 and NaNO3 with 1:1 proportion.
Cyclic stress loading on the heat treated specimens at different temperatures was carried out on the electro-hydraulic servo static and dynamic fatigue testing machine (Type: EHF-UM100K2-040-0A) with the frequency of 1 Hz and the loading time of 72 h. The maximum cyclic stress is 600 MPa, about 50% of the yield strength of the steel. Figure
The mechanical properties of the heat treated specimens before and after cyclic stress loading were measured by the electronic universal testing machine (Type: WDW-200). In order to reduce the experimental error, at least three tests were taken on each condition and the average value was reported. Besides, the standard deviations for the data in the same group were also calculated.
The optical (OM: Leica MDI3000 M) and scanning electron microscopes (SEM: SUPRA 40) were used for metal-lographic observations, where the specimens were mounted, ground, and polished according to the ASTM: E3-11, and then etched in the 4% nitric acid alcohol solution. A transmission electron microscope (TEM: JEM-2000EX) operated at 150 kV was used to examine the substructures and measure the thicknesses of the BF plates and filmy RA. TEM specimens were mechanically ground down to about 50 µm thick and then electro-polished at 40 V using a twin-jet unit. The electrolyte consisted of 5% perchloric acid and 95% alcohol solution.
To identify the phase constitutes in the steel, x-ray diffraction analysis (XRD: 2000/PC) was employed. The XRD specimens were scanned using Cu Kα radiation in the range of 30°–100° at a rate of 2°/min. The amount of RA was quantitatively obtained by comparing the integrated intensities of the (200)γ, (220)γ, (311)γ, and (200)α, (211)α peaks.[13–15] The formula is[15]
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![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Microstructures of the specimens isothermally transformed at (a), (b) 260 °C for 12 h, and (c), (d) 270 °C for 12 h. |
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) TEM micrographs of the microstructures after being isothermally heat treated at (a) 260 °C for 12 h and (b) 270 °C for 12 h. |
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) BF lath and RA film thickness distributions in the microstructures obtained at (a), (b) 260 °C for 12 h, and (c), (d) 270 °C for 12 h. |
The above isothermally treated specimens were subjected to cyclic low stress loading for 72 h, after which the tensile properties of the loaded specimens were tested. For a comparative study, the unloaded specimens (only heat treatment) were also tested. Figure
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) Tensile stress–strain curves of the heat treated specimen before and after stress loading. |
![]() | Table 2.
Mechanical properties of the heat treated specimen before and after cyclic stress loading. . |
In fact, the increase of tensile property through applying cyclic stress prior to deformation is dominated by the microstructural change. Figure
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) XRD patterns of the heat treated specimens before and after cyclic stress loading. |
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) TEM micrographs of the heat treated specimens after cyclic stress loading: (a) and (c) 260 °C/12 h; (b) and (d) 270 °C/12 h. |
![]() | Table 3.
RA and Cγ in the heat treated specimens before and after cyclic stress loading. . |
It is well known that the film-like RA with nano-scale can improve the plasticity of the super-bainitic steel because it can prevent crack propagation through martensitic transformation during tensile deformation.[19] However, in this study, the stress induced martensitic transformation occurs before the plastic deformation, which means that the starting microstructure for tensile involves fine BF plates and film-like RA and a small amount of twin crystallite martensite. With the formation of the twin crystallite martensite, the original excess carbon in RA will be easily rejected into the nearby austenite region due to its much greater solubility comparing to the BF.[20] Therefore, the RA after cyclic stress loading becomes more stabilized because of the enrichment of carbon. The amount of unstable austenite begins to decrease. From the XRD results in Table
The effects of cyclic stress loading on the microstructural changes and tensile properties of 60Mn2SiCr super-bainitic steel were studied in this work. The cyclic stress prior to plastic deformation can induce the phase transformation from film-like RA to twin martensite, which leads to the microstructure changes into a mixture of fine BF plates, more stable film-like RA, and a small amount of twin martensite. The high transformation rate of RA after cyclic stress loading is found in the super-bainitic microstructure obtained at low isothermal temperature because of its low amount of blocky RA and much finer RA films. The new microstructure caused by the cyclic stress loading can obviously improve the integrated mechanical properties, especially the ultimate strength and the product of tensile strength and ductility. The strength increment is increased as the transformation rate of RA increases.
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